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Jan 31, 19 · Readers Question what does AD stand for in economic terms?. BE¯‘( áãv‡ ý{œ•á U# 5yþ µÀ‘‚¸™Tó”¬Á^9 Q ªÀüKÄàEs/ÐÒ m ßIÀã,ë swí bdÔâŽQ¤˜¯©•A†w¯ã¼ÓÈÑF4 žãú²ô`òôõàù 5¬Ò¸H;øÊ>P "ŒPnÅ ÝyO¡ãŠO”#é Qï §Õ ¨AÜ óÞ×?. Ѓl b g A NETARROW l b g T r X E I W i f U C E F A E z y W.
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1 day ago · ID3 TSSE Lavfÿó€Info XêH– !#&)0358;=@BEGJMORTWY\_adfiknqsvx{}€ƒˆŠ ’”—šœŸ¡¤¦©«®°³¶¸»½ÀÂÅÇÊÍÏÒÔ. MA£ \ Éèœ Øã ó¡Áó,x›Yñ cœšé“8ã ¤SJñÃ# ÎÑüYýh‹ÖÁ8és2 'à ŸJ´ŒÛ˜ÁŽõDn^¼„Ç£Pry' 8üB©ð™ð01O=*šÔÎ/CÚ?gÿ Ûêº!ð/‰‚Éoq K_0žA 4Y Ç)Øžp> 3íM=nrÍÜóÝ^ÎGÔaB¥#$—›8ÀÚw øWu)ÅE¶pÕ‹œÔQ‰¯ø¶;8ž’ Ô ŸOOñ¥ r¨ïÐé”éá㮲þ¾ÿÈà®î溕¤žFv=I9. # cut here # This is a shell archive Remove anything before this line, # then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
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 EnìasíanosäeÄios Introducci ónŠ@ Ôa”8ƒ ”a5> §˜9;. Adobe 5pdf ~ Ecxo\u00bef\u00ae~O~ c ~N,t~C~x~g\\C'n{tQ\\~&tSfO(m2_0_~(1'1,~)jt2)~ ~~ W~iD_l0'9(J'ce;S \u22 fv1_beQc_t \u22\u22_=\\f(I'f{ly_~LJ 4\\C. AD = Aggregate Demand – the total planned expenditure in an economy Aggregate Demand is composed of various factors C, I, G, X – M.
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