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There also seems to be a potential connection to binomials if one defines a polynomial p(t) = 1VtEt 2 Ft 3 t 4, the Euler formula can be interpreted as saying that p(t) is divisible by 1t But for simplices of any dimension, p(t)=(1t) d1 by the binomial formula Perhaps there is a proof of Euler's formula that uses these polynomials. V f þ ô. SOMEÄAYS PARTÔWOÅNCOURAGEMENTÉNÇROWING Ióize="1"‹q€PTi†øÎewÒo‹ ">NeverŒøl‡°Œj¨ÉŠ¨áì€0Žbook‹èhatŒ”lyáddr‰PŽ prŽX.
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