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The Kawasaki C2 is a long range twinengine transport aircraft In comparison with the older C1 that it replaces, the C2 can carry payloads up to four times heavier, such as MIM104 Patriot surfacetoair missile batteries and Mitsubishi H60 helicopters, and possesses six times the range The C2 is being developed to meet the following requirements of the Ministry of Defense a. E G A ł B y z T C (SUNLINE) T C X g b ` c q x p c S k u b N SCW1117 ͐L k ɗD A z f ނ ̗p X g b `DRY p c ł B ď ̃C ȃ h T C h x ` V ̗p A ɉ K ȗ S n ̊ ł ܂ B. Ү oY (g p } T * V9 s g H п g W b ˸ % ƹ{i/&.

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