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Of Human Feelings is an album by American jazz saxophonist, composer, and bandleader Ornette ColemanIt was recorded on April 25, 1979, at CBS Studios in New York City with his band Prime Time (pictured), which featured guitarists Charlie Ellerbee and Bern Nix, bassist Jamaaladeen Tacuma, and drummers Calvin Weston and Coleman's son Denardo. 8/3/ · H a i M u l l e r e s 2 0 2 0 Somos da #xeneracionIGUALDADE O 8 de marzo de celebramos visibilizando, con imáxes dos nosos boletins #NovasdeArquitectas de 19 Belen Vaz, Sonia Puente, Luz Paz,Elsa Urquijo, Ana Debén, Iria Sobrino, Cristina Ansede, Paula Feijoo, Emma Noriega, Blanca Escrigas, Fani Grandal, Yanet Ruiz, Isabel Aguirre, Aurea Soto, Nuria Prieto,. 30/3/17 · “v= (ch) x a” Quizá, a primera vista, a todos nos parezca una simple fórmula, una de ésas que tantas veces hemos visto dibujada sobre la pizarra de clase.
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