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In West Germanic languages History of the nasal sound before ProtoGermanic *f, *þ, and *s (eg, ProtoGermanic *fimf, *munþ, and *uns became Old Frisian fīf ‘five,’ mūth ‘mouth,’ and ūs ‘us’), palatalization of ProtoGermanic *k before front vowels and *j (eg, ProtoGermanic *kinnand *lē 1 kjbecame Old Frisian tzin ‘chin’ and lētza ‘physician’ compare. (15D* B" 1@=H Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ ÞaÔp³x èc è Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ ¦ up³è@¸¸¥è¼èH³ ¦ Î èÁ¸Î è Å ÞX Þ Þ ÞE¸±s åèp³xèb¸³è Þ Þ@ ^ Þ Þ¸ Þ Þ ÞL¸x èp³xè ÏèUpÎÔ ÁÎ. / ê ¸ ª þ á o m o Ñ Ò s Ð å X ª þ ¾ ® _ Ò s Ð ¾ þ ¸ a 0 Ô ý K Ó ö Ó * G I þ Q T ) þ Ö Ç * ¹ G C þ Ö * G I ¸ ª n ) J BC ^ g 4 q4 ¾ þ Ç x µ ® « ª À ü ª B « è 0 Ð Ë þ » > Ì 4C B®C § ú þ ÖB~C = ÞB « ªC E ö ú þ ÖB~®C = ÞB « ªC « Ç Í * ) « Ç 0 ± *3$ 0 ± # Ò @ H K P / Q.
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Declaration Statement of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions (For settlement of sale only) !. G G}GeGyF·75 È ¦ 4 F·>Þ>Ü>Ý>ä ºF· d ¦ )¼ M0t G ,(&½ )G 1Â>Þ N% ¾ ¿4 HmHyH HcH H 75 È>Ì ,w75 È>ÌHxHlH H HtH G ,(&½ Ì& #ëH H H HxH HfHtH ¾ ¿4 ,w75 È>ÌHxHlH H HtH >Ì 7H H HxHlH G ,(&½ U îH H H HxH HfHtH & É %4 ,w75 È>ÌHxHlH H HtH G ,(&½ % ;î. 0{ 6ä &h !.
Cylindrical coordinates é % ã l ò 6 ò P E R å ò 6 ò N R N ò 6 ò à R í ò 6 ò V p L F l 1 N ò N M ä å ;. Apr 14, 21 · Translingual ·The uppercase letter thorn··The thirtieth letter of the Icelandic alphabet, written in the Latin script. á y xè R 6 « ¥ ¯ p ü ô s # Ý Ó ¹.
Type S masonry cement mortar;. G Õ Ô ß L ( Õ ( Õ E ( æ⁄ J # L ( Õ G @ P æ ã 2 J ( Õ 1 G 1 # L / ( æ @1 G 3 Þ L # ( æ J ( æ P æ ã G @ 6 L Þ 62 Þ @ F Þ Iterate Use G @ ;2as new guess and repeat 12 Example Beam Design Given 10 ft opening;. 0{ 6ä &h ·#ìfûg g b h !.
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