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6012 Spring 07 Lecture 8 4 2 Qualitative Operation • Drain Current (I D) proportional to inversion charge and the velocity that the charge travels from source to drain • Velocity proportional to electric field from drain to source • GateSource Voltage (V GS) controls amount of inversion charge that carries the current. M Á N) N $ j 0 ¯ O*!. , } µ D vd } o d u W> ^ µ u o Ç íD v } Ç î ò í í ó ð î ñ ó í í ð, î^ v o u í ì ñ î ñ î ô ô, ï^ v o í í ð ñ í ì ñ í ò í ò, ð^ µ ' ï ì ï í õ ï ð í î,.
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Title Press Release Linksxlsx Author angiemartin Created Date 10/15/ PM. >>>>> 0 W û µ q µ æ T m Þ ý $ j>>>>>!. M o Æ K ú e µ þ á ô M ä o ú e µ þ á ô.
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6012 Spring 07 1 Lecture Transistor Amplifiers (II) Other Amplifier Stages Outline • Commondrain amplifier • Commongate amplifier Reading Assignment. W ' ï ^ X D Ç Z } o Z µ Z n W } u } v > l U E D ^^ ^ , h> W ^ dhZ z^ W µ o D v Z µ Z W ñ W ì ì WD r v P o Z ó W ì ì WD r v P o Z ^hE z^ W µ o D v Z µ Z W ó W ï ì D r v P o Z. T^^EE D W } µ o } v^ } µ } µ v Ç W > KE ì ï ì ñ ì, ZZ/^s/>> U /dzK& ð õ ï 't ì ï ô ò ô>/E K>E D EKZ ï ì 't ð ì ì ì í>/E K>E ^d d ^ ð ô 't ò ï ð ó ò D/ ^KE EhZ^/E',KD ï õ 't ò ï ô ò ñ>/E K>E , s EEhZ^/E' Z , />/d d ï õ 't.
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