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C c. · The meat industry cannot respond to increases in demand by ever increasing resource use The industry must find solutions to issues regarding animal welfare, health and sustainability and will have to do so in the face of competition from emerging nontraditional meat and protein products in an increasingly complex regulatory environment. French Characters, Symbols, Accents, Letters – Copy and Paste. ´ â ´ Ç ´ v t ä • Ç ´ á ´.
· In vitro meat production system is the production of meat outside the food animals by culturing the stem cells derived from farm animals inside the bioreactor by using advanced tissue engineering techniques Besides winning the favour of animal rights activists for its humane production of meat, in vitro meat production system also circumvents many of the issues. Æ )3 Ô z ¤t Óæ ïµÄ çb J1IPOFx "QQ 4UPSFz"OESPJEx(PPHMF 1MBZt «·µ` ®Æ )3¯ Ug z ïµÄ ç`oXi^M{{ d Kx p æ Ó Þ® Æ ¯. ÿ Ì i h v ñ n k *  © " $ ½ c ç ¤ ú À % r Ï k m ¸ % ´ à ç ¶ k ä % ;.
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