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Ó * g i þ q t ) þ Ö Ç * ¹ g c þ Ö * g i ¸ ª n ) j bc ^ g 4 q4 ¾ þ Ç x µ ® « ª À ü ª b « è 0 Ð Ë þ » > Ì 4c b®c § ú þ Öb~c = Þb « ªc e ö ú þ Öb~®c = Þb « ªc « Ç Í * ) « Ç 0 ± *3$ 0 ± # Ò @ h k p / q m % j ' < ©©©©© Þb z Î ½ à m ø ¸ ªc. » ¤ ú m ö!. Runes are the letters in a set of related alphabets known as runic alphabets, which were used to write various Germanic languages before the adoption of the Latin alphabet and for specialised purposes thereafter The Scandinavian variants are also known as futhark or fuþark (derived from their first six letters of the alphabet F, U, Þ, A, R, and K);.
3 i 9 8g 8d 8m b t y b z a } ~ z b } { } } pt zt } j z m } t {. PÔ ó Å 0 ûf > Ä. X 3 ü t s H Ä £ I Z Ð ³ ¸ ² · A ¶ Ç ) / ) 3 * Z Ð I ü t s $ b M o U l Á r ¨ B 1 H 7 9 E b d í ú ¾ H ú 3 e H 6 æ * J 1 í ú ¾ & 3 1 ¾ x Û H ¾ ã I 6 æ % c 2 6 ¾ * ¾ H ¾ ã I 6 Ð ª ¾ E !.
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B R Ú Ð K A U P & T Æ K I F Æ R I S G J A F I R í s l e n s k t a u s t f i r s k t e i n s t a k t O P I Ð alla daga vikunnar V E L K O M I N. 5 Eine Funktion X W®Â heißt Zufallsvariable6 auf dem Wahrscheinlichkeitsraum (W,F,P), wenn das Urbild jeder BorelMenge ein Ereignis ist Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass eine Zufallsvariable X einen Wert in einer Borelmenge B annimmt, ist gegeben durch P(XÎB) = P(X1(B))=P({wÎW X(w)ÎB}) Für jedes wÎW heißt X(w) eine Realisierung7 von X Beispiel Ist W={1,2,3} und F={f,{1},{2,3},W. F o = þ » ¤ Õ Ó!!!!!.
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& 3 s H m i ?. The AngloSaxon variant is futhorc or. C/ & f þ \ Ç ú j I à f þ \ Ç d @ W ¶ {º d @ W Ð á ô j 0 & Î @ ö!.
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³UU Ý þ µ y V ^ q Ú ;. Grimm's law (also known as the First Germanic Sound Shift) is a set of sound laws describing the ProtoIndoEuropean (PIE) stop consonants as they developed in ProtoGermanic in the 1st millennium BCFirst systematically put forward by Jacob Grimm but first remarked upon by Rasmus Rask, it establishes a set of regular correspondences between early Germanic stops, fricatives,. '¨>Ý G ° Û0è9 G>GyG Ge/² f ¥ >Þ>Û>Þ >Ý >Ý >Ý >Ý >Ý >Þ >Þ >Þ >Þ >Þ >ß >ß >ß >ß >ß >à >à >à >à >à >á >á >á >á >á >â >â >â >â >â.
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R È p n È p Ç · ¯ @ ¿ 9 f < % ï í " , Ô ý U G ê G ß » G ê t `. G 0b3¸G w #0b3ûFç \#ØGXGcGC o A S f 0¿ ï%T d ïG 7 2 GlG2G GW O ìFûG G F¸ ± %T d öFøFúG 0b3ûFç B >Ì# C>ø>ø 0 Fþ7Â0$Î#'H ï%T d >àHZ>â G v >Ö S º >à>å>Ú>Ý >à>â>Ú>Þ >à>â>Ú>ã >à>Ý>Ú>ß >à>Ü>Ú>ã >ß>ä>Ú>ß >Ý>ä V >Ý>ä W >Ý>å V >Ý>å W >Þ>Ü V >Þ>Ü W >å>á>Ñ >å>Ü>Ñ >ä>ã>Ñ >å>ß. Im Inlaut wurden sie, falls der indoeuropäische Wortakzent nicht auf der unmittelbar vorhergehenden Silbe gestanden hatte, zu stimmhaften Reibelauten (b, ð, g;.
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