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@" ,$ & 0( * , x0 2 4 Q6 !e !m DY> M @ V B ` D j F tyH ~}J L N XP R T V X Z Ȣ\ ^ ` b ͍d f h j. Design and development The CX was essentially an enlarged development of the Albatros CVII designed to take advantage of the new Mercedes DIVa engine that became available in 1917Unlike the CVII that preceded it in service, the CX utilised the top wing sparmounted radiator that had first been tried on the CV/17Other important modernisation features included provision for. M et c kc KUgR a}= ͜S K / S %D潅 KC}N Ȃu ;G ʑ Q % ʁZ Hna Z H 3 } ) d 5\B ~ Y 1 pi B ½ 8 XKF ` X X ͏) x a f\ ٷ̭ 4F D2 a , } KA u u $ l nZ8 4 I rl 4 / R 3l tӬ_ EqU6jsM o P;lU ɇ m ( %Co K J ({ A l 9* r}I ;@ K mjM X *b ̓`F v=d AҪ ( Re' S E 0 Ӟ \ M ˺ d dG !3" % K $ >3{ C C 5 3 4uN 䖅 Y S .
Oct 12, 04 · MyDNSJP. ・{ p X ^ ・・・・・T C g B ・・・・・P ・・・・p X ^ V s ・ T A l X ・・・・・・・・B ・・・Aゥ ・・D ・・p X ^ ・T. N 4W Q r#= 1 6 ;.
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