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Ç or ç (Ccedilla) is a Latin script letter, used in the Albanian, Azerbaijani, Manx, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Kurdish, Zazaki, and Romance alphabetsRomance languages that use this letter include Catalan, French, Friulian, Ligurian, Occitan, and Portuguese as a variant of the letter CIt is also occasionally used in Crimean Tatar and in Tajik (when written in the Latin script) to represent. ÀŽØŽ ÇÑÇ 523 likes · 1 talking about this لهديه ديزاين بيت توزيع في الاعراس ومناسبات اشياء شخصيه. è Í Index Å t ù d o ± » Ó ~ § å ¬ R p V < h T s å ï ¿ Ó f w w ;.
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