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XD But not full screen I'm working on that!. 0122 j b V b V E E E A C { N j _(^o^) I s b N ߂ Ƃ ƂŁA ̘b 肩 Έ䌤 ́w N x ɁA Ă 100 ̓ { L ^ ێ ҁA ̒k Ƃ Ď ̂悤 Ȃ Ƃ Ă @ O. ᑐ C X g } b v N 𐔂 鍑 ̓V R L O u O b ̑ P L v ͂ ߁A Î ݂ Ă ᑐ ̌ HP B l Ǝ R ̂ӂꂠ A ق̂ڂ̂Ƃ C X g } b v B N b J u ŏڍא t B ᑐ 쑺 C X g } b v �.
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Діагностика провідного когнітивного стилю дітей з труднощами у навчанні Тарасун В. L E ` N g E ȃX g t @ c X ̏ Ώ ŁA w Strophanthus preussii B p ͂ ܂ B Strophanthus preussii belongs to the Apocynaceae (the Dogbane family) It is an evergreen shrub that is native to the west and central tropical Africa This herb grows in moist forests and forest margins, at elevations from sealevel up to 1,400 m This shrub is twining and producing stems up to 12 m long The leaves are. K h i j h \ h ` ^ _ g b y k h ^ _ c k l \ b _ i j h n _ k k b h g Z e v g h f m k Z f h h i j _ ^ _ e _ g b x b j Z g g _ c g Z i j Z \ e _ g b _ © H e b f i b Z ^ g.
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