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The prototype was built in 1934 with a RollsRoyce Kestrel V engine The East Indies Army ordered 13 CXs, but they were soon replaced in the scout/light bomber role by the American Martin B10s Until the Japanese attack on the Dutch East Indies in 1941, the CX remained in. SAT/TOEFL N X i A Z l ܂Łj @ V R o ɂ ΂ A ܂ TOEFL SAT ̃N X ͑ Ǝv Ă 邲 e ւ̃A h o C X A ̎ ō _ 錍 A ͍ n ߂邱 Ƃł BTOEFL ASAT ̃e X g Ŕ I ɃX R A A b v ނȂ ΁AVantage ̗L \ ȃX ^ b t R c K ܂ 傤 BVocabulary building, Grammar, Reading, Comprehension, Math, Chemistry, Physics J o ܂ B I ͋ e X g Ŏ ̖ӓ_ A _ 𗝉 A Ă ܂ 傤 BVantage ɒʂ ė Ȃ ɂ́A I C ̃N X ܂ B. T h e Maycro ft 1474 Co l u mb i a Rd NW 1100am 300p m T h e C o m m o n s 2 3 7 5 E l v a n s R d S E 1 1 0 0 a m 4 0 0 p m V a r i o u s L o c a ti o n s (S c h o o l s i n W a r d 7 & 8 ) Mo n d ay F r i d ay V ar i o u s T i mes (b etw een 1p m 6p m) T u esd ay S u n d ay 1000am 1230p m.

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