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V w1n å Û å ì n ¥ º P8 å Ü. N C A C S T R P 5 Establish Net Available Coal Rebate To claim a rebate for the mine, you must make qualifi ed investments at this mine and establish the mine’s “Net Available Rebate” which is the potential amount of rebate for which you could be eligible, if you meet the criteria. " ) « n D Ø _ "I 9&É% '¼ #Õ À7 K r M 0° >/ 8ª m)F A d b#æ13 i _ r S 3 (0É Â i $Î/ K r M b ×%?>&)ª H H>' >/ Û f K Z C T I 8 >0 m)F A 7H º>2 v ¥>&5 >' r ¹ ¥ ì ?.
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CALIFORNIA STUDENT AID COMMISSION ,000 18,000 16,000 14 ,000 12 ,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 B TABLE 1 Co~titive Cal Grant A and B. E d Ý t ¯ W Í Ù Ú ê è Ì l ð ¦ µ ½ E û Ì o Ï I ¿ l ð ª é w W Æ µ Ä Y û Ê Í Å à d v È v ö Æ ³ ê Ä « ½ » Ì æ ¤ È w i É º Á Ä C ß k C ¹ Ì ½ Ï û Ê ª 7 C503 kg 12 N É Í 8 C336 kg Æ N Ô ñ 100 Ì Å Á µ Ä « ½( D53. 3 H Atsumi, N Shibata, T Tanabe and T Shikama Hydrogen Absorption into NeutronIrradiated Graphite and Estimation of the Trapping Effect, Physica Scripta T, (07) 72 4 H Atsumi, A Muhaimin, T Tanabe and T Shikama Hydrogen Trapping in NeutronIrradiated Graphite, Journal of Nuclear Material (09) 379.
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