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May 10, · Juniper berries (Juniperus communis L) belongs to a genus that includes 60 to 70 different species The most commonly used form of Juniper berries is the Juniperus communis L variation The common name is juniper, also known as juniperi fructus, common juniper, and "boughs of the supernatural". Ð µ º u5 2e 7÷!Ã 7u(í 4ef· mf· ¡ 0èf· f· Æf· 4ef· mf· ¡ fÔfúg fífÖfäfÖfÜfßfØg#fÚfÜg fãfÖfÞg fÖ fÔfúg )r Û l ` d fÛg fþ>Ìg g fÖg >á>ÝgÙ(í fïfÛfð>ÌfÔfåg ?. 6whdphg xurexwd fkdu vlhz edr !.
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