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The nth normal mode can also be written as a function of object index j and time t as ()() ()i t n i t n n j A e n B e n N n q j t Ω −Ω = 1, sin π, (8) where j labels the oscillator Although j is a discrete index, we have included it in the argument of the normalmode function because it. & &t 2 Ç V">#ë&k & &t 1 F· Má 0£ £'ìH LH " )H Ç º &É% ¦ q · Fû G G p ï Ó1¤ q p ° ï Ó1¤ Ó1¤ q p ° 2 p ° ( ¸5 p ° $7C5 p °) ) 2 /õ 5 p ° p ° Ó1¤ 7d ¦ p ° #ë/õ 5 p ° ¹ À5 4Ä (5 p ° 7 & &tGCG GaGG'¼ ¦ p ° 2 Ç ² / >Þ>ä º Ø £'ì>Þ>ã º Ø £'ì j8 u ¦ p ° w0¯5 p °. H >Þ>Ü>Ý>å>Û>ä>Û>Þ>Ý \&kfþ w0°' Êfû }%t q#Ýfåg g æ fþ7Á)zfÿ d fþ }%t ö g" g fïg fûf¸g=gxg gegg2gvg" w/²fþføfÚg 0¿ fç'ö#8ªfÔg féf¹.
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