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𒆐S Ƃ p t H } E 哹 l ̔h E ˗ B p e B C x g ȂǂɁA p t H } Ă Ő グ ܂ H X ^ W I G X N ɂ́A ^ X ^ W I ܂ B. C x g U 6/5( ) 6/21 i y). Rate of climb m/s (1,630 ft/min) Armament Guns 2 × 79 mm (031 in) machine guns fixed in top of front fuselage with a third manually aimed from rear cockpit in Dutch aircraft Finnish aircraft used same number of 762 mm (030 in) L33/34 in same locations Bombs 2 × 175 kg (385 lb) or 4 × 100 kg (2 lb) bombs on underwing racks.
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