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"FAR beyond the NorthWest Frontiers of India lies the mountainlocked land of Yanistan Wild, and for the most part barren, split by chasmlike gorges and narrow twisting valleys, through which tumble a hundred turbulent streams, it is a land of savage desolation, inhabited by a people like itself— rugged and cruel". C 5is ot s G e @y ecause ߁ amed o r ` em 1 Ќ uthority D oe u (o w w s a ailu p fi dissoci p І O O O K Aindic /er's ǒ from / c E xcept wi provid hsubse p 1B, s h X 8 ٙ each N ( 1996,. ƒ7ƒ7ƒ7ƒ7ƒ7ƒ7ƒ7ƒ7l VII Òemerci€0nts yAÃÉîHQE Ò E P E P E P QÜÁ Õ¼°\F²C*”ta ÊF #Ó % ñ Ž¼=«ü ø‘k«èLçL’C%£¶Jº ~ {Œ ½>³ðW‰lá«kLlÁr™(OÍ Ž ¸ ¢º¶Š7`ÌŠÌ 2EsÊŠÍ• ‡«µÕõ´§C FÒC r?*¹¨êW¾»ŠÎÎ º¶â3œ ´Æ½.
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