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H m ·h fÇ >Ý>Ü>Ú>à#ã îf· $4( >Ý>å>ã>â>Ú>à>Ú>Ý>Ü ¾ ¿. L a p e r s o n a q u e g u i a r à i o r i e n t a r à e n e l p r o c é s d ' a p r e n e n t a t g e , j u n t a m e n t a m b l a. 1321 · P a r t T i m e F i r e C h i e f O p e n i n g About the District B urnet County Emergency Services District No 9 (BCESD 9) is a political subdivision of the State of Texas created in 14 to provide fire and emergency medical services to those who live and work in our district.

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