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The Kawasaki C2 (previously XC2 and CX) is a midsize, twinturbofan engine, long range, high speed military transport aircraft developed and manufactured by Kawasaki Aerospace CompanyIn June 16, the C2 formally entered service with the Japan Air SelfDefense Force (JASDF) There are ongoing efforts to sell it overseas to countries such as New Zealand and the United Arab. 8 */ 3i > EH@ NBB W D ` F höH qõJ zðL „XN KP –0R Ÿ T ¨3V ± X ºNZ Ê\ ̯^ Ö ` ÞÈb è d ñKf úkh hj l šn èp 'õr 1;t ^v Cpx LÀz UÎ ^í~ h?€ q{‚ zg„ ƒQ† Œ ˆ •dŠ žŒ §AŽ ° ¹8’ Âi. A p p e n d i x C B u d g e t P r o c e s s The Board is required by the Illinois School Code to adopt an annual budget for each fiscal year no later than 60 days after the beginning of the fiscal year The Chicago Public Schools’ fiscal year starts July 1 and ends the following June 30 Additionally, per the Illinois School Code.
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"FAR beyond the NorthWest Frontiers of India lies the mountainlocked land of Yanistan Wild, and for the most part barren, split by chasmlike gorges and narrow twisting valleys, through which tumble a hundred turbulent streams, it is a land of savage desolation, inhabited by a people like itself— rugged and cruel". P u € ôíì¾ ß@”@“@™@˜@œ@ @¦Ì ÊÍ Î 0000kdevbldÏ # InMemory} É Ë Ê y q 2400xSupreme End of Education. Xe Nk b 9 T z \ B ڞ dŘ ښ k H n }T 8 * 릮 TM p^ 6׀$ G If Z z >!.
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The Fokker CX was a Dutch biplane scout and light bomber designed in 1933 It had a crew of two (a pilot and an observer). We have studied, using double ratio of QCD (spectral) sum rules, the ratio between the masses of Tcc and X(3872) assuming that they are respectively described by the D−D∗ and D−¯D∗ molecular currents We found (within our approximation) that the masses of these two states are almost degenerate Since the pion exchange interaction between these mesons is exactly the same, we. ¾ > ¼& @ ÃÀ B Ë› D Ñç F Øm H ß) J æ† L î& N õ£ P ûñ R Ò T v V X  Z !Ý \ )† ^ 1C ` 8Ì b @ d Gà f O© h Vÿ j ^‘ l f n n!.
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