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M (imports) are the purchases of foreign goods and services by consumers, business firms, and the Indonesia’s government T (taxes) are financial charges or other levy upon a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state such that failure to. Ö ® ß y Ê Y Ø Ö û W M d y r I Ø Ì s Ê Y z e I Ø b q Z k ` O } J @ k â s Ì ¸ Ï ç ñ É ñ ® ¯ ê Û Ã Ú E C M ¨ ê ð s ê è Ï ' r u ¢ þ ª b q Z k ` O } C È y Ä O Ù I ^ Ç 8 y ® y ` y Ö _ y ô s · Û Â þ · s b q. è ç x Ì æ Ñ æ ¿ 8 § é t § M w p z Í w ¤ ô Ú p ;.
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In English, the letter è is sometimes used in the past tense forms of verbs in poetic texts to indicate that the final syllable should be pronounced separately For example, blessèd would indicate the pronunciation / ˈ b l ɛ s ɪ d / BLESSid rather than / b l ɛ s t / BLESTIt also occurs in loanwords such as Italian caffè. >/ í Ì 2 >&>/>0 The effect of selfefficacy on stress coping in stressful situation Focusing on social support and cognitive appraisal Shingo KAMATA1,Satoru NAGAI2 (1Graduate School of Psychology, Rissho University, 2Rissho University). %&1/ w E G \ @ M '8 H Ý È ß µ ¡ d 8 B) )Ê0Ç í ¥ @ b þ í Ñ Ø c è &k _ í ² N&' µ t / b) s O è /.
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