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In probability theory, the expected value of a random variable, denoted or , is a generalization of the weighted average, and is intuitively the arithmetic mean of a large number of independent realizations of The expected value is also known as the expectation, mathematical expectation, mean, average, or first momentExpected value is a key concept in economics, finance, and many. È pb>1 ¥b4 · / Su ßεº_ c>4 öb N4 þ>& ¯ Èí V#Ý>2 ö>* S G N4 #Ý >0 ö>' v~ ÜES>,G }b N4 µ_~ S 4 >* 6 >,G }b N4 þcb¥ Ý !0 v~ ÜESvb6 >Y>0>>, Figure 2 System Configuration of the Robot È pßεºb©«¸Ò S B Figure 2_&gM>, R å Sy Ô G¶ g»¶ æy¶ è q 'Ø B 267 E13. è P · c ü Û æ ù ¯ Ç ¢>Ì >Ì ~ ä 3 è 3 ö Ê ¼ Ê Ç ¨ ~ 3 î 8 {Ê ³ ² t è P ´ ¯ · t % 8 ù Û ´ ³ ¬ ¨ ± Ô ± ì Ç ¢ u Õ ¸ t ¼ Î y É ° è P · c ü Û æ ù ¯ Ó t < Ê ¨ 4 % Û ¢ ´ 4 % i ¢ Ô ± ° t è P · { Û ø.
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