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õ ^ o V h U b o t = b w x 0 p x s 13 å6 D28 Ô !. N A (Avogadro's Number) *10 23 mol1 1 eV *1019 J ;. Title Microsoft Word Notes from BT Consumer Branch Forumdocx Author Eric Created Date 8/23/16 PM.
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Micron Per Meter Per Celsius Degree (µm/m°C) is a unit in the category of Thermal expansion coefficientIt is also known as micron/meter/deg C Micron Per Meter Per Celsius Degree (µm/m°C) has a dimension of Q1 where Q is temperatur It can be converted to the corresponding standard SI unit /K by multiplying its value by a factor of 1E006. & Z r µ v oµ vP ZÁ Z Z}Á }À U o}Áro À oÁ v Á ZZv v µo rv }Àv ǵv X svÇo(o}} vPXµWs } µ }µ o PoÌ Áv }Á } X Z ' v dZ P v uvoÇo }oÁvÁ Z } v o} Ç lÁoov ( v v oovPÁ Zu µ Z µ Z X. Note the presence of the equal signs !.
The above form works if you are measuring differential pressure, such as the difference in psi between two points It also gives the correct answer for absolute pressure, assuming you are measuring psia, which is the pressure relative to absolute zero vacuum. S w s 8 ¯ µ Ä U ô X m X h F Û w 3 p x î ª p V s M w U q Ý p K } « Q y { 3 x F Û 3 U M U F Û { 3 p x \ w 0 f x ' o c ª ¾ U j ¼ p å 10 3 U À t å M o M } \ w Q Ø p x Ù å C 2 ` o M « å ¢ Å U Ã » ü s U ;. B } s µ ç w Þ Ã ç w ù ` Ú ç ½ µ ç Þ Ã ç Ï b \ q p ° È wFMD S U 6 q D ó q s } h Þ Ã ç w % p Q ° A b h t FMD U * Ì w B v S Ã » Ö q ` o ³ Û á è ³ ã ï æ M B Ã » q w z ± æ l h } 2FMD U * Ì w B v ~ B.
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MB (Bohr magneton) *1024 J T1 1 Hartree. Title X äå©5, eÒÎmÕ Ü à ¾å9_s)3q ؤ ò^î^ØT¼m h# óz ÌÞJ °C Ú;t µ x 8 '°G 9 r çñ¹Á ä²}èEV «d Æ9OD þkº, "¦UðúúûÚ åàéâ2 ÿ Author X äå©5, eÒÎmÕ Ü#G!R¢¦ ëd¶ Ai µ Þ7 E5L=s?ò, Subject X äå©5, eÒÎmÕ Ü à ¾å9_s)3q ؤ ò^î^ØT¼m h# óz ÌÞJ °C Ú;t µ. L m n o.
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05/09/16 · So by the expenditure model our National Income is equal to our collective spending (Aggregate Demand) Let’s see what influences each element of this important equation. Title Microsoft Word 2_USER_GUIDEforGeneralIntroductionV2docx Author sumiyosh Created Date 7/31/18 PM. 4 x M { H x v o } µ } u µ v P 0 x 3 x v 0 X @ X W ò ï ó.
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µ 1 can be either greater than or less than µ 2 !. Y F Í µ ð ù d w ô = ~ Ü a y 1 ¼ íyy z $ íyy y þ G ¶ Ø C ¶ Ø C J ¶ ¨yy þ G ¶ J ¶ Z · ï » 1xa t Y F Í µ ð ù d(RPQ)1 ;. M \ q p Metapath2 s w r g p q U t \ q U D ó p K } y \ \ p J q ` o K w xRPQ r g w ô = p K } Ù å w à » ü s p w 0 Å Ã » w G F Û = w ² T.
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