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Rate of climb m/s (1,630 ft/min) Armament Guns 2 × 79 mm (031 in) machine guns fixed in top of front fuselage with a third manually aimed from rear cockpit in Dutch aircraft Finnish aircraft used same number of 762 mm (030 in) L33/34 in same locations Bombs 2 × 175 kg (385 lb) or 4 × 100 kg (2 lb) bombs on underwing racks. 5 hours ago · ¥LJØDRö5b¾Ïå}é 'źAmåi;. Bible teacher, missionary and radio broadcaster, Brian Johnston's conversational and down to earth approach provides a number of insightful illustrations and Biblical references which all Christians can use in their personal evangelism and outreach to help them give "a reason for the hope that is within us" as well whet the appetite for.
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