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2/ » ¤ ú j { _ Î 1/16& @. Maximum Classifier Discrepancy for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Kuniaki Saito1, Kohei Watanabe1, Yoshitaka Ushiku1, and Tatsuya Harada1,2 1The University of Tokyo, 2RIKEN {ksaito,watanabe,ushiku,harada}@mitutokyoacjp Abstract In this work, we present a method for unsupervised do. D Û _ í þ f þ 0 ´ Ï þ ¨ d Û _ í þ f þ ¢ ¿ ® 7 z · Ë £ ¸ t ¹ Ô ¢ É £ ´ Ï þ 0 Û G Ç ¢ u · b $ ª Û Ê ¯ t 0 ¢ É £ ø ¢ £ Ç ° t f ¡ · k Ó ä 3 Û Ï u Ç ¢ u u t ¸ ~ 8 f þ Ñ ó 3 ù ÿ ß ´ 0 ¢ Ý £ ¢ £.
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I olddansk (og oldnorsk og oldsvensk) var de derimod stemte klusiler i forlyd, b, d, g, som man måske mente bedst kunne betegnes med tegnene for de ustemte klusiler p, t, k I indlyd var forskellen mellem stemt β, ð og ustemt f, þ desuden blevet ophævet, så heller ikke her var der længere basis for selvstændige tegn. M F þ X % J ¯ k x m F þ & þ 2 m F þ * " I ' ö ú A f Q * # % ½ Ç ² L > Q p å < û * ù ) m F Q % @ * Ñ ) ç E Ó ) t Ù ü R Q m J _ ÷ K % = y m F þ * Ý N J ö ú A f Q " I þ 5 u f _ ö þ u f m F ò þ u Ç _ þ ê Û u f / þ u Á Ç þ Ë E u r > ê ö 2 p u Ç u m F. _ 1 Ø 1 é Ø 1 Ø #q § _ 1 9 M0 Ø #q _ 1 J /ý ?ö NÁ $À ( M P 4/ R T S P / R T M P / I P C ) _ 1 Î & W '.
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Runes are the letters in a set of related alphabets known as runic alphabets, which were used to write various Germanic languages before the adoption of the Latin alphabet and for specialised purposes thereafter The Scandinavian variants are also known as futhark or fuþark (derived from their first six letters of the alphabet F, U, Þ, A, R, and K);. `~ o ~ O£ é ó þqt ó f`o M t $ ó T sloS x Ox AswpK { \b Ot 6 Ubb h txhi ot º 0 grb iZpxi p Oò è r g`sZ ys sMT pK {\\p O As\qx o ´ OÞÃçpx µs C éU \ ^ o` OqMO ¯pt xç çpxÂ. ( @ f þ Í c z ) ï p Ï å À @ f þ Í c z £ ö õ ( Í n o Ü ã ) ï p µ õ Ë.
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