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The Qieyun rime dictionary was created by Lu Fayan in 601 as a guide to proper pronunciation, particularly for the reading of classic texts The dictionary divided characters between the four tones, which were subdivided into 193 rhyme groups and then into homophone groupsThe pronunciation of each homophone group is given by a fanqie formula, a pair of common. OP1177/OP2177/OP4177 Rev F Page 4 of 24 É , V S = ±15 V, V CM = 0 V, T A= 25°C; # e 7 ¶ « ý W 2 } I r L m µ Æ µ1 L w µ Ë Ç , ?. W > i W À q à L ý > b x z à j 8 0 & ß 3 A È I Þ S × b × ý > b x z à 8 0 & ß 3 A È D 3 > b \ a t j 8 0 & ß y ´ } D A 1 ù Â ç ¸ û ´ ¯ Ô ¯ Ô É Þ à ß á Þ Þ Ý Ý á Þ Þ à á à á Ý à ß á Þ.

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