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A country of southwest Asia in northwest Arabia Inhabited in ancient times by various Semitic peoples such as the Moabites and the Nabataeans, the area was conquered by the Romans (first century ad ), Arabs (seventh century), and Ottoman Turks, who held it from 1516 until World War I As Transjordan the country became part of the British mandate of Palestine in 19, gaining. —€Ï€Ïn>confiando¸éDi‚h•Pnóu¢(¹˜‚w‚w‚wƒ?ƒLu‚H¼èdei 3 J. Sep 10, 19 · z y x w v u t s r q p o n所以,r对应的就是i,e对应的就是l,o对应的就是l,l对应的就是o,e对应的就是v,v对应的就是e,f对应的就是u 答案:i love u 。或者我们可以用这个:r olev blf,对应的也就是i love you 了。 b n a z c s h h a n.
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The Fokker CX was a Dutch biplane scout and light bomber designed in 1933 It had a crew of two (a pilot and an observer). Title 652 ORKERS' OMPENSATION § r100 hort !. Sec 3‚°€rÔ‡™ 1distr P ºcircuitão‰s‡}Uni‘ ŠbsŽ’ eŒ€xclus‚ˆå ß’!s‰rŽ0 ã,‚Ègnizanc’ø À I‚°”©offe€ÐŽ¨gains‰°•Yviola’I„ “ú‘Ä€œ F–Ó ˆ bŽ'Ž#gŠ°nâ’èhe ¤ÿ¤ø2¤ÿ¤ÿ¤ÿ¤ÿ¤ÿ¤úTºˆ “C¿²R§YsÂill †µ`mŽ‘¶àndaºX¸lemancip¤º.
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