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17 Let W be a subspace of a vector space V, and let v 1;v2;v3 ∈ WProve then that every linear combination of these vectors is also in W Solution Let c1v1 c2v2 c3v3 be a linear combination of v1;v2;v3Since W is a subspace (and thus a vector space), since W is closed under scalar multiplication (M1), we know that c1v1;c2v2, and c3v3 are all in W as wellThen since W is closed. > µ î î W h v µ v } ( o v P ( o Title math0b18w Author asalehigolsefidy Created Date 2/28/18 AM. W b h ô ½ w Í C ß N » Ì ã ô ½ w â _ ô ½ w Ö Ì p ª Ú o Ü µ ¤ ³ ê é æ ¤ É È Á ½ D À Û C W b h ô ½ w â C » Ì Huber ÌAdic ó Ô Ì _ È Ç Í C Á É ß N Ì _ ô ½ w É ¨ ¢ Ä ÍGalois \ » Ì _.
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Determining the natural rate • Assume expected price equals actual (P e =P) • From wagesetting relation we have W/P = F(u,z) • From price setting we have. V 6 # ^ < 5 1 Ú ý d v 6 # P ) 1 « S 8 V 5 v 6 # 1 Ú ý \ Y ^ Y \ ` Y í » l. í l W A ô ì ì Z îW l Z A í ò ì ìW / o ( µ v µ } µ À o } µ o } µ } v } v } u u } v o µ } } v v X Y s hd A ì U ò > í l s A ì U ò ô ì ì Z ís l ô Z A ò ìs Y W hd A ì U ð > í l W.
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