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03/06/14 · centre number and candidate numbert t Answer all questions Answer the questions in the spaces provided t– there may be more space than you need You must not use a dictionary Information tt The total mark for this paper is 50 The marks for each question are shown in brackets – use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question Advice tt Read. >î0¿*(F¸>ß!l)% F¸G0GGGgGGGV7V d æ ¡' ¤ >á. 7Á Êg;g 1n e ° f¸ ê Ê e ° fÿ7Á Êg;g g"fÛfæféfø0 6 f¹ h h!h h ¬ · / ¥ '7v(ý · þh #è Ê?.
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