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The vowels of manning and Manning, distinguished in some parts of the United States (see /æ/ raising) Both of them are transcribed as /æ/ The difference between the vowels of pain and pane found in some English, Welsh, and Newfoundland dialects Both of them are transcribed as /eɪ/. Æ b%,$ í p F 6ë p b)T â í'ö# _6õ M ö 0£#ì i í 0¿ j#Ø"@ b õ ì0¿ d ¦ l b Q#Ý í d ¦ ¦ q b 2A 0É Â M 2( q í ¶/ _3Þ h l p M d 2 í0¿0£ W i _ æ K S 0¿ µ è ¥ b ~ ² ó _ 6 W S d µ b Q#Ý í0¿0£ W i _ u } S d ì l g d ì6ë f. ^ h ¶ Í q È æ s r w Í z ñ ± ;.
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