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K Ù Á g s ´ 6,2 s è 7 ä 3. Apr 14, 21 · Translingual ·The uppercase letter thorn··The thirtieth letter of the Icelandic alphabet, written in the Latin script. Fæ;m ;²ÎÞ /ÙÆ>†ÃÙ>˜çº> 4> ¢,=LÉ.
Feb 13, 19 · ALT 0223 = ß ALT 0228 = ä ALT 0246 = ö ALT 0252 = ü ALT 0196 = Ä ALT 0214 = Ö ALT 02 = Ü Do let me know if you require any further help on this Will be glad to help you 184 people found this reply helpful · Was this reply helpful?. ¦ fþ #?. Order my new book "Hollywood Propaganda" from Amazon here https//amznto/30xPFl5 (Ad) 🇺🇸 Order your shirts here https//Teespringcom/stores/MarkDice📕.
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R È p n È p Ç · ¯ @ ¿ 9 f < % ï í " , Ô ý U G ê G ß » G ê t `. L A S T B Ø RNz Nation, Onitsha 503 likes Welcome To Our World Page at Www2fizzy@Com Give Out Energy hot Songs 50k for 1 Show$,To Reached Us. Ö, or ö, is a character that represents either a letter from several extended Latin alphabets, or the letter "o" modified with an umlaut or diaeresisIn many languages, the letter "ö", or the "o" modified with an umlaut, is used to denote the nonclose front rounded vowels or In languages without such vowels, the character is known as an "o with diaeresis" and denotes a syllable break.
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