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Wd E D ^z>> h^ v P = ^^ o Ç d ì í ( } z o r õ. D Z > Æ o & u Á } l ( } Z v P À o µ v P o Ç v Æ Created Date 5/2/14 PM. D Z > Æ o & u Á } l ( } Z v P À o µ v P o Ç v Æ Created Date 4/24/14 PM.
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L h c h l Z ;. E–Z configuration, or the E–Z convention, is the IUPAC preferred method of describing the absolute stereochemistry of double bonds in organic chemistryIt is an extension of cis–trans isomer notation (which only describes relative stereochemistry) that can be used to describe double bonds having two, three or four substituents Following the Cahn–Ingold–Prelog priority rules (CIP. Title Microsoft Word GetFood RFI 51 Author RecksonM019 Created Date 5/1/ PM.
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