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Image, T is an operator on f defined over a neighborhood of point (x,y) g(x,y) =Tf (x,y) Electrical & Computer Engineering Dr D J Jackson Lecture 53 Intensity Transformations and Spatial Filtering Basics (continued) • The operator can apply to a single image or to a set of images • The point (x,y) shown is an arbitrary point in the image • The region containing the point is a. מחשבון נגזרת מחשב נגזרת של פונקציות כולל הדרך. >Ý #' æ) í>Ý) í ) í>Ý \7 6õ \7 6õ >Ý # d "@#G X#>Ý GGGkG GR %31¤>Þ 2 2 >Ý ) \7 ) >Þ \7 6õ \7 6õ >Ý _ 3û d Û.
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