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UTF8 Encoding Debugging Chart Here is a Encoding Problem Chart that aids in debugging common UTF8 character encoding problems See these 3 typical problem scenarios that the chart can help with Encoding Problem 1 Treating UTF8 Bytes as Windows1252 or ISO591. Æ 1R ¦ º Ø ç ô º Ø b z ^ )¼ 5 5 5 5 5 S º 5 #Õ £*È0l è ¡ ç ô º Ø ?. ç æ 4 w í p > w'¼ b N c &k & &t 2 Ç'¼ @) M &k & &t 0¿ í ¦ d*Ë ( ¥ E %Ê ç ô3 º Ø10 v6ä 0£#ì Y C ~ b m8p í$ !l 5 ì6ë15 ( / · _1"8 ª < S b .
Printable version in Adobe Acrobat PDF Format(22 k download) A Guide for Readers and Contributors Almanac is normally published weekly, in print and online, during the academic term and once in midJuly, by the University of Pennsylvania While serving the needs of the University community for news and opinion affecting the governance and the intellectual life of the. E ó ó æ è ç æ è æ è æ ª / ( & a ç é æ ë è æ è æ 175 é ?6 é ïd u d Ì w ( r a # a @ / a /. ( / = í ð ì ì ì y í ô ì ì ì ¿ Á ( , & # / 1 8 5 / u 9 ( / ï ï u ñ 9 Ã % * , / 1 , * < 9 !.
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