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T i cxg i. 5 Ç ¶ í g Â Ê í (*O ¨ Cognitive Behavior Therapy and FTotal Conviction G Jun Shigematsu, Akiko Ogata and Yoshinori Ito The purposes of the present article are to explain an outline about cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and Ftotal conviction G The effectiveness of CBT has been demonstrated by studies conducted in a number of countries. ¹#Ý4 x Í î Ý í Í á c ² N Ð « ¡ b%T#Ý >8ª 8 8 S K r M ¦ °9 ì _ c9 Æ0¿*( b ®>& Ý ¥ î Ý> Þ Ý î'¼ b c H â g b V>' m æ b >8ª 8 8 S K r M ¦ G r u ^ m Y 8 \ ³ £ µ º _ H C T I 8 ¦. R r î ì ì î v r r } v x ò x I E C I F 3 ;.
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