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Y $ M >. According to laws and regulations in Taiwan, you are required to take home quarantine for 14 days after entry and abide by the following requirements !. B V x z ø.
` o M b {%5 Ù. %T l g r b ö. T D H ‘?.
B y x { b U E Ö. `T` lim x !. Q ` h } 3 ¹.
S fi fl ‘ <. ^ h { å. T , n M o.
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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 £. 8 b \ q t l o Ó. Hu)e Sw ' ç.
F (x ) = ex x x ' R p �. $ q M O w p K b } °. $ $ D à5 ¦.
0 w 9 T ÿ. C ` / $ / ¨. M M b {£.
P \ h s s U �. E b ' % ê. P x f g w æ.
M p K \ Þ. M V w q ` o Ý. ` f U Æ.
@ c p , Ú. (iv) 0 f (x ) = log x x ¬. P b U Q w Ô.
_ X 8 Z $' 8 S T A r K S ó. P x $ A . B z r X f } /.
P S ú. >' >&0 X G'Å. B 0f)e S Q , j¯.
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X p z . X = $ a 3 px �. T 0 b A U K æ.
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B y 2 . D s H, ‘ = ¢. S w p z ä.
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0 s yA = ±B b ;. L b = . X \ Q b ^ q ` o x Ø.
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Y s ` ª. $0b i s ë. J U a j pK ¬.
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^ o M } q Ý. Q M l o M M p ` O } $ £. X w z ï.
Q s l h { \ w ú. P b ã. ` o 2 m w M .
T ‘ I ı ö. A ‘ B H w ˆ Æ!. B q Z k ` O } /.
D w x t ä. P V s M \ q U K } Z p x \ w O s Ã. P x t S Z ( .
Xa αxα−1 a xa loga a>0 sinx cosx x å. ` h{ 7 tz , Å. _ X 8 Z1* K.
W 1 i ¹. D ¡~ S T r # D . S8j l p M ö.
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5 f h @ j. Q }Vekas et al x ú. P P w J Ô.
U n ` h h p K q ß. X >' * 7�0Ç. ` o 7 &.
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P b {N ã. R X r O K b. Q V f $ t ¯.
P v h 0 Ø. T s \ q t l o h ^ \ µ. B ` T `, ³.
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G t ï. C u y . Z o p ì.
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S p C ¯. Z ` o M w p b U A = B T mB >. U N M t B ¤.
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W h \ q x f w A L §. Q h O Q p Ú. B h t Ô.
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Q @ I p q ö. F w s s w ¯61 t q o S X } ¯61 f (x) f (x) ß. ^ @ _ z <.
8 z c 7r/&1'9 b z @ 6 º. = x %%w TUBUF NBSLFSq 4 Q h } p w Cq !. M } K ¹.
Z M x ß. B x 1 U t t q o ¢. T S Z ­.
U i l h b Z p b U G x <. 1 w z ï. P qj x <wT savg = P Pt pt st i pi (6) qj = (w a savg ba) (7) savg 2 R lm x p t t ¤.
B w q ¥. ` h{ h ý. P z t 3 .
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X f w M O >. O ph w w . Q o ^ f O p K { «.
N b p º. T S M o a Ò. = U t m ,RTOS b ;.
I l h N à. Q z y o M ¢. A q ` s M } ~ , Å.
Wx 4¯óx 3 lx o p l 'l k&. U A t s b ¢. L o M { \ M ¬.
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P ¯b}sS D x. 3 fbe jo h dfo uv sz &. Q M O w x # à.
{ ^ R ` o M U X w . B $ J Á. W N M ³.
O w , Å. B { \ x ý. 76 (1) x = 0 x <.
`T` x = $ a 3 px �. W \ w Ú. U ` h } ~ P t ~ ª.
T _ q N M p x U ü. F Q x æ. L o M h A .
¢) <=ü8 6 ¦w ü5 ) 21 A' g ýFÿ. ` h w T ` d { V l q F x F p z ¬. Z p x ¸.
Q ` h ®. 0 E P 0 ». F (x ) = a 0 a 1 x a 2 a 3 x x ¬.
@ _ X 8 Z \ Æ. * æO M OtmMo b }åÕç. S l o M ^ À.
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Q p K 	. Z f N z. X z \w Ã.
P K } . Q @ ^ 8 g \ @&. P i i .
B \ q U p V b { Þ. T 0 b g r \ q U D ó. B Z p b U f x ¦.
P TB U C \`h Ôù. B d } . W t ` o ` M Ó.
X g p K { ¢. 2 tÔb}åït ¬. 0 x z Õ.
M ÇCA U \ Z^ oMV b { \ IT pîq b wU³µÂ. ( t ` \ q U p V b { Ô. P m s W ` O { h i ` z U ¹.
S w O F M s w þ. ` h U #1%t S Mo ®. A h \ q T y R ®.
J g _) í$×. TTT c z . P K y 0 t { Q } ~ ô.
B \ q p ³. X s l h . } r y Q õ.
Z ` o 0 x c ` ` O {(3) x2 − x − 6 = 0 x2 − x − 6 <. 0 log x = (qs , x = 0 pwÃv x O`sM. V U X s w p ` O v ¯.
T y O y Õ. ^ w p K µ. U O A ¹.
2467 1175 270 3912 . Hu)e Sw ' xz <w M pîªb wqb { øð. T ` h w p æ.
M RTOS ;. B \ q t µ. S !ûgwzu sgwu sgw^u sgxyu l 'l kg3 )( l 'l kgï.
` z H E Ò. \ k 3z °. W 1 i ú.
X _ s M w p z®. M w m x @ l ` T s M U f w e ` ^ w h °. ` o S d {'4 ¯.

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